talk something about school life..
i guess few weeks i havent update anything about school life.
kay, i am offically an arts student in MBS.
well, appealed and got the approval to stay in arts stream.
congratulations to me. ;)
and i got into my class which having the combination of Pengajian Perniagaan and Math S.
and just oni 14 of us in this class with a fan a light and chairs.
consider as a very very small classroom. and also feel that frens in the my new class are very friendly.
and our class has Peng hwa's, Heng ee's, MGS's, Chungling's, Union's and Cdk's ex students..
and of coz we have 2 indians in our class, we mix well all around.. =)
and class going on smoothly, i guess, everything is starting and i gotta get myself into the study mood and learning mood.
although throughout the 1 and the half years, we will be just learning 5 subjects, i guess it will always be a tough task for me buck up myself in studies..
hope that i can enjoy and trying hard to adapt in a very new environment..
god bless. god bless.. =)