Sun shines.

Sun shines.
Always and forever =D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

wishes from me.

hmm, i am back to my very own blog and lots of thoughts.
i dont know if i am able to express it through words.
recently i am just like dont know who i am. i would want to cry out so loud for nothing.
and i dont know why i am feeling sad for no reason.
or just i have the reasons but i dont know how to tell? dont really know.
ok, very soon everyone will be in form6 or even colleges or university.
i just dont know wad will happen next. will it be friendship  forever? or hi hi bye bye friends become more and more?
ohh, just felt pissed off when i think of this. anyway everyone should prepare for everything now. =)
congrats to those who got JPA or MARA scholarship, so best!
of coz i am not applying for anything even matrix. LOL
somehow i feel like i dont deserve the scholarship, should have given to those who are really smart.
so good luck to everyone. =)

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